Mon Ciel Bleu

I like it when the sky is blue. :)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

No Rinse Shampoo

So yesterday, I went snowboarding at Cypress for the last time this season (sob sob). It was like heaven. Fresh powdery snow + heart warming sunshine. *sigh* What more can you ask for?

Anyway, the above doesn't sound anything related to the title of this entry. But it was yesterday that I realized how great it would be if I had no rinse shampoo with me after a day of snowboarding! I saw a lot women in the washroom brushing their hair frantically, trying to fix it in a way that they think look less freakish. I used to be one of them, but now I just leave my toque on. Even though leaving the toque on fixes the hair problem, it doesn't fix the icky feeling on my hair! Wouldn't it be great if I can just wash the top of my head to get a little rid of that filthiness?

I want no rinse shampoo. At least before the next snowboarding season. ;P


  • At 4:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You should come to Japan to snowboard. Then you can go straight to the onsen afterwards, and you will come out all squeaky clean!

  • At 10:55 AM , Blogger Elaine said...

    gutentag geoff! yeah, snowboarding + onsen is surely a heavenly combination. add spades to that and it would be my meaning of epicureanism.

  • At 7:49 PM , Blogger Kevin said...

    Actually, I don't enjoy too much snow when boarding. Knee-deep snow guarantees me getting caught (well, if I slow down), when requires unbuckling my bindings and walking. And regardless of how little you wear on the mountain, just getting out of the deep snow is enough to have you sweating in your toque.

  • At 2:24 AM , Blogger Kevin said...

    Wouldn't you say that the last comment classifies as "AIM abuse"?

  • At 3:34 PM , Blogger Elaine said...

    haha! dead on kev. i wish i can erase spam comments.


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