I Heart Bonne Bell's Lip Smackers
They're great! Just putting them on lifts up my mood everytime! I bought myself pink lemonade today and not only does it moisturizes it also tastes great! And cheap! Only a dollar something a pop! hehehe
Check out the Bonnebell Lip Smacker Page, you can even print out a Canadian coupon there. I'm going to get all different kind of flavours and put them in my car, in my purse, in my bedroom and even on my desktop. :D
They're great! Just putting them on lifts up my mood everytime! I bought myself pink lemonade today and not only does it moisturizes it also tastes great! And cheap! Only a dollar something a pop! hehehe
Check out the Bonnebell Lip Smacker Page, you can even print out a Canadian coupon there. I'm going to get all different kind of flavours and put them in my car, in my purse, in my bedroom and even on my desktop. :D
At 1:31 PM ,
san san said...
wow thanks! i'm definately gonna try one out!
and OF COURSE it is always better to be asked for an ID. i went to a casino one time and when that guy didn't ask for my ID, i was sooo upset by it for a very long time =(!!
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