Mon Ciel Bleu

I like it when the sky is blue. :)

Monday, February 02, 2004

Got home from Kyoto yesterday! After finishing the conference in Shiga, I extended my trip for 2 days and travelled with 2 friends I met at the conference (Elaine from San Francisco and Shani from New Zealand). Kyoto is so nice. Sometimes I wish I was placed there. But then again, I wouldn't have met all these great friends here in Saitama. I think the JET programme changed a lot of its participants' lives in many significant ways. I mean, look at those JETs who got married in Japan, if they were placed somewhere else, would they have met their mate? wonder wonder.

Anyway a picture speaks a thousand words. Will put the pictures up. =)

Oh btw guys, I'm planning to fly to HK this spring (late March to early April), I hope I won't have to cancel my flight again like last year... no please don't let that happen again.