Mon Ciel Bleu

I like it when the sky is blue. :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

To My (soon-to-be) Newly Wed Friends in Japan

My friends, Maki and Motokazu are getting married in November. The wedding planner (who is also my friend) requested that everyone who knows them but are currently overseas to write them a message for they will be read at the wedding reception. Here's mine and I'm pretty proud of it and so I share it with you guys =D

M ay your days be happy,
A nd filled with laughter and joy.
K eep the promise to each other,
I n the days to come, for it will strengthen the love and
M aintain the faith.
O pen your hearts and share your thoughts,
T ogether you are as
O ne from now and forever.
K ids will come some day
A nd you ought to be ready, for
Z oo excursions and other fun stuff. Finally here I am, sending my
U tmost congrats, to the newly weds, M&M!


Elaine from Vancouver, Canada


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