Mon Ciel Bleu

I like it when the sky is blue. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I'm now in Shiga updating my blog in this CAI room of the JIAM centre (don't ask me what those acronyms stand for..I have no idea).
Anyway, I just finished a day of lectures. It was hell. I have never been this tired before from Japanese classes.
They were not kidding when they told us it is going to be intensive. 5 hours of translating and interpreting can kill a lot of brain cells.
On Friday there's going to be mock session where guests are invited (some VIP from the Japanese government) and interpreting simulation would be conducted in front of everyone in the hall. I heard last year, a partcipant was so nervous that he/she fainted and an ambulance was called. Though the classes are tough, life in the JIAM centre is quite enjoyable. Each of us have a 10000 yen prepaid card that we can use anywhere inside the centre. =)

Ah..the air is so dry in this damn computer room!!! Gotta go.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Officially back to work today. Second time in Hasuda JHS.
I love the teachers and the warm atmosphere there. The new principal looks
kinda "Doh" though.
Last year was a blast. I hope this year will be one too. =)